Wednesday 11 February 2009

Shot List

Shot 1: Opening Shot of our actors running away from the bank
Shot 2: Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 3:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 4:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 5:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 6:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 7:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
shot 8:Shots of the actors running from different angles and using different camera effect
Shot 9: As the actor runs past the camera the shot will freeze and the actors name appear on screen next to the actors name
Shot 10: As the actor runs past the camera the shot will freeze and the actors name appear on screen next to the actors name
Shot 11 : As the actor runs past the camera the shot will freeze and the actors name appear on screen next to the actors name
Shot 12: As the actor runs past the camera the shot will freeze and the actors name appear on screen next to the actors name
shot 13:As the actor runs past the camera the shot will freeze and the actors name appear on screen next to the actors name
Shot 14: Close up of the brief case
Shot 15: All the actors running around a corner

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